General Enquiries
Get in touch with us for feedback and enquiries.
City Developments Limited
9 Raffles Place
#12-01 Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619
Registered Office
Tel: (65) 6877 8228
Customer Relations, Residential Sales and Leasing Enquiries
Tel: (65) 6877 1818
Fax: (65) 6223 2746
Feedback to CDL Data Protection Officer
For matters relating to the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
If you:
have any questions, complaints or feedback relating to your Personal Data or our Personal Data Policy;
would like to withdraw your consent to our use of your Personal Data as set out in our Personal Data Policy; or
would like to obtain access and/or make corrections to your Personal Data records under our control or in our possession,
Please contact CDL as follows:
+65 6877 8228
Data Protection Officer
City Developments Limited
9 Raffles Place
#12-01 Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619
Feedback to CDL Ethics Officer
Please note that if you have any feedback or enquiries on our products/services, do contact CDL Customer Relations at Write to Us.
For reporting on potential improprieties:
Please note that the whistleblowing communication channels indicated below are for the reporting of any improprieties resulting in fraud, corruption, collusion with suppliers/contractors, conflict of interest, unsafe work practices, serious breaches of Group policies or violation of business ethics.
If you would like to make a report to the CDL Ethics Officer, you may use any of the following reporting channels:
United Kingdom
United States of America
CDL Ethics Officer
City Developments Limited
9 Raffles Place
#12-01 Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619
Connect with us on social media
Interested in joining us? Head over to our LinkedIn to learn more about our business, and how we build a future-ready workforce and positive culture.
Visit our LinkedIn
News by your fingertips. Follow us on Twitter @CityDevLtd to get instant updates pronto!
Visit our Twitter
Find out what fuels our passion. Follow us for inspiring snapshots and videos at our properties and events. Feel free to tag us @citydevelopments!
Visit our Instagram
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for videos that take a closer look at our newly launched properties, and more.
Visit our YouTube
Through these social media platforms, you can learn about the CDL Group’s news and initiatives. These channels aim to foster a civil and responsible dialogue relating to topics covered in our posts, tweets and other publications.
To ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience, we respectfully request that you comply with the following rules when interacting on CDL’s social media platforms:
1. Do not post content that is defamatory, derogatory, offensive, discriminatory, threatening, misleading or false;
2. Do not post content or take any action on our platform that contravenes any law or regulation;
3. Do not use a false identity or impersonate another user; and
4. Do not utilise the platform to offer goods or services.
CDL may remove any content or take preventative action against those who do not comply with these rules or otherwise abuse our social media platforms. These decisions will be at CDL’s sole discretion.
Please understand that statements and opinions expressed by third parties on our social media channels are not under CDL’s control and do not represent CDL’s opinions and position.
By using LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, users also agree to comply with their respective terms of use.
We look forward to building an informative and enjoyable community space with you.
Have a question or feedback?
Contact us